Can you see the smiley face in the quince? I can. Mummy often sees smiley faces in things. She thinks that a part of our pear tree looks like a smiling pig. It does. It is our smiling pig pear tree. I didn't go to school on Friday which was sad. I really love school. On Friday we went to Kings Lynn to swap cars for a day. Mummy was not really very excited about spending a day there but I was. When we got to the garage they gave us a car 10 times smaller than our car. Mummy was not happy. Mummy said naughty words when she was trying to get my little sisters car seat in to the back. Naughty Mummy - I told her off. Mummy took us for a drive to show us where she lived when she was little and I saw her old school. It is bigger than mine. We then went into
TKMaxx's where I tried on flippers, orange goggles a
woolly cap and danced with a spotty umbrella. I love
TKMaxx's. It has everything I want. I wanted some barbie roller skates but
meany Mummy said NO - again. But she did say that if I wrote to Father Christmas and asked very nicely and if I am a very, very good girl he might get me a pair. I am nearly always a good girl so I hope I get some. I hope Mummy remembers...