Mum's a bit moody today. I think the lack of sunshine and the endless supply of wet weather are dampening her sense of humour. I didn't exactly help its dwindling supply when I unravelled a new loo roll for about the 12
th time. She was very cross but she totally over reacted as usual. After she had calmed down, she took us to see some friends who live by the sea about an hour away. I snoozed but my little sister didn't - much to mummy's annoyance I expect. She likes it when she can drive in silence and when I don't keep asking questions. On the way back she stopped off at a nursery to buy plants and potatoes and eggs. She took me into the big greenhouse where I sniffed all the different types of flowers. I pretended every plant smelt delicious but the truth was that only the carnations did and I don't like them much. When we got home I ate some cornflakes Mummy had just bought. I never eat breakfast and I knew this would stir some sort of remark as it was nearly supper time. It did. I won.