Today I went to nursery which was good fun. Then I came back and made cakes with
play-dough while Mummy made biscuits - again. My little sister was asleep for ages this afternoon which was nice. Some times I like the peace and quiet like Mummy but I would never tell her. Granny and Grandpa dropped in this afternoon. Granny was a little tipsy and had pink cheeks. Grandpa wasn't tipsy and didn't have pink cheeks because he was driving. I gave Grandpa a cuddle today for the first time ever. I think it made him very happy. This is a picture of Mr Manners. I know manners are important because I am always being told they are. Mr manners frowns when I forget to say please and thank you and smile and wait for people to answer. He should be smiling today because I have been a good girl. I know I have been because Mummy has told me.