full of latitude
We've been away. Last night we got back very, very late from camping at Latitude Festival. We went on Friday. We left late as Mummy and Daddy are quite disorganised. I was getting really grumpy on Friday and very fed up as I was being told we were going to a festival (what ever that was) and we were going camping. I love camping. But when ever I asked "when?" they just said "when we are ready. Go and sit down and be patient". I do not like doctors or hospitals and I do not want to be a patient so I wasn't. Finally we did leave and it was very exciting until I fell asleep. When I woke up, we were in this huge field with my lovely cousins and friends. There were tents everywhere and I could hear loud music. There were even beach huts and tee-pees but horrid smelly places to have wee-wees. After we had set up camp we went through a beautiful wood, across a lake, past a cat-avan (people dressed up as cats) and up a small hill where there were lots and lots and lots of people and colourful sheep. It was amazing. I was very excited and then we went to see The Magic Numbers. I danced the way I do at home, wiggling my bottom but when I saw people giggle, I stopped. Daddy put me on his shoulders so I could see them and I was the tallest 3 year old there. My little sister slept through some of the music but she really liked Arcade Fire and Scott Matthews and Alan Carr. I really liked the children's corner where we played with bales of straw for ages and ages and watched my uncle's puppet theatre production called The Pedlar of Swaffham in a big tent which was was brilliant. I really loved the festival and want to go again next year. I was very sad to come home but it was really nice to play with my paints again this morning and make jam tarts.