My cousin Tara looked so beautiful today. I want to look like her when I am 7. She had on leggings with lace, a stripy jersey dress, ballet pumps and was carrying a metallic pink handbag. Not only that, but she was wearing our great grandmas lipstick which is the colour of my pink
necklace which must be about 20 years old. That's amazing isn't it? I saw the sea again today but I didn't touch it. It was miles away behind fields with cows eating grass and huge puddles. We picked and ate raspberries at a
PYO farm then flew a kite. I held the kite strings whilst holding onto Tara's pink bag which Daddy thought was very clever but a little irritating I think. My little sisters chicken pox have fallen off her face but we don't know where they have gone. I wonder that if we found them and put them under her cot mattress, she would get money from the pox fairies. I will hunt for some later.