On Monday my school teacher Mrs Y.S told me I wasn't well and that I wasn't to go to school the next day. (Actually all I had was a runny nose but show me a 3 year old that hasn't?) But when I got home I kept telling Mummy I wasn't well because Mrs Y.S told me so. I told Mummy chocolate would make me better. She didn't give me any. I think Mummy was quite pleased she didn't have to take me to school the next day as she said we could have a lion. A lion? Is she mad? I like lions but I don't think I want want as a pet. I want a puppy. A fluffy puppy not a lion. She then said lie-in not LION. Oh! I said. What's a lie-in? Apparently a lie-in would a morning when me and my little sister don't wake at 7:00 and shout Daddy/Mummy but instead woke at 8:00. Mummy things that would be an amazing lie-in. I am now thinking a lion would actually be quite a cool pet.