Since I last wrote, I have grown at least an inch. Or at least my hair has. Father Christmas has also snuck into our bedroom through the sky light and left a lovely pile of presents. We are also now in another year - what ever that means. I loved Christmas and me and my little sister were very lucky and got some really good gifts which we fight over daily. My little sister was given a mini trampoline. I am much better at jumping on it than she is and I can do some really clever bounces which really annoys my little sister. She just screams at me... again. She still screams a lot but I am very pleased she doesn't scream quite as much in the night as she did before Christmas. In the mornings, Mummy and Daddy always ask me if I slept well. I always used to say, "no, because my little sister kept screaming'. Only they don't hear her as they wear glossy silicone ear plugs while they sleep. I wish Father Christmas had left a pair in my stocking. I must remember to write and ask him to bring me some for next year - if I am a good girl which of course I will be.