I've been a slack blogger haven't I? Learning to be a disciplined 3 year old is quite tricky but being a disciplined blogger is actually even more difficult than you would think - just ask Mummy. The last time I wrote was nearly a week ago and in that week I have been good, bad,
grunty and a little
sweary. I said 'get off you little bugger' when I was being tickled. Naughty aren't I? Mummy didn't react. I hate it when she doesn't react so I said it again. Still no reaction. She didn't even say 'rubber' or 'rubber-dubber' like she usually does as a way to sway me away from using the bugger word. How boring. I have actually been a little bit of an attention seeker in the last week. I have been screaming lots especially when Mummy refuses to let me do things I want, like wear mascara and her red wedge sandals. My little sister has also been screaming and screeching lots. I know she is copying me which I think is great but I know Mummy just finds that it grates. Poor Mummy. Mummy spent a night at the train station on Saturday. We dropped her off in the afternoon and then picked her at the same place the next day. When I spoke to her on the phone on the Sunday morning I thought she was Julie and when she said she was Mummy, I said it couldn't be as she was at the train station. Weird. Daddy then explained that she was with Rosie in London I admit I was a little confused and a little embarrassed. Fancy not regonising my Mummy's voice. I didn't miss Mummy much, in fact it was really good fun with Daddy. He took me and my little sister swimming in a giant paddling pool at Uncle Robs on
Saturday. And the next day we went to the seaside and I went on a merry-go-round while my little sister watched. I wouldn't mind if Mummy went away more often, I think I will suggest she does.