Yesterday, Granny gave me presents from her holiday in Spain. She bought me a flashing pen and a pink skirt. As I am 3 and a girl, pink is my favourite colour. My little sister was given a really lovely cardigan which wasn't pink but I don't think she minded. Granny and Grandpa bathed me and my little sister and then read us a bedtime story. Me and my little sister then messed about for about 1 hour and I arranged all of Mummy's fabric scraps out on our bedroom floor. I think it looked really pretty and I think Mummy did too but she didn't say so. Today we went to see my friend Lilly and her brother is my little sisters boyfriend. They flirted and then threw a Bart Simpson ball to each other. I was so please to see my wet pet snail on the concrete by the front door when I came home this afternoon. I think he was very pleased to see me too, as I gave him a huge bunch of coriander which he he ate on a piece of wood, inside on the kitchen window sill. Mummy doesn't really like me bringing in my pet snail but I think she was a little too tired to argue with me which I was a little disappointed with. But it was OK as I had a strop with Daddy instead, when I couldn't/wouldn't sit still and eat my baked beans. We didn't mess about much at bed time but I think Mummy won't be very happy when she sees I've emptied all the clothes from the wardrobe onto the floor. Oopps.