Yesterday was busy but fun. Mummy took me to Asda and didn't shout at me for the first time ever. Last week she whistled at me like a dog when I sat on the floor and wouldn't go to her and lots of people stared and tutted. Mummy turned red and muttered something about never shopping again - that threat didn't last long did it? Anyway, I was as good as gold and I didn't even need any bribes. When we got home my little sister unpacked all the shopping which was very nice of her. Then Mummy quickly tidied the house as lovely Chris and Jim were coming for lunch. t was very lovely to see them. Jim bought me a book with a CD Rom but I know Mummy says the CD won't work on her mac. Umm, I don't believe her. She's a computer hog and doesn't want me to share her connection to the outside world. We ate lunch outside although I didn't eat much at all, just a carrot, I was too busy talking and playing in the hammock and on my scooter. Sitting still and eating is boring when you are 3. Playing on bikes and scooters is so much more exciting but what was more exciting was being given a red bikini. I love it.