Our Mummy can be
SO annoying sometimes. She won't let my little sister climb to the top of the stairs so then my little sister screams when she is taken away. Her scream is so annoying. Even more annoying than Mummy. But what is
even more annoying than Mummy is Mummy's sudden cut down on my make-up
application. I love make-up and I think I apply it pretty well for someone of my age. I know I could do it better if Mummy would let me. Granny lets me. Today Granny gave me a whole lipstick to myself. Mummy was out. It was brilliant. I was so excited. Mummy came home from shopping and she saw my blushing mouth. She was not happy. Not happy at all. She bribed me into bed saying I could apply some more once I had bathed and cleaned my teeth. So I did. I was being good. I was clean and excited. Then when I asked for bedtime lippy she said NO. That is annoying, mean and very mean. Tomorrow I won't forget about the lack of lippy. I will annoy Mummy until she cracks. She will crack. I will make sure she does.