I love it when the sun shines. It makes everyone happy except my little sister or just seems to grunts lots. I taught her to grunt. It's what I do when I don't get my own way. I think my little sister does it for the same reasons but it's difficult to know really. When my little sister isn't grunting, eating and sleeping she is moving around around the garden like a crab. Today she moved in and out and in and out of our paddling pool 206 times and didn't fall in once which was very clever. When Mummy had had enough of my little sisters grunting, she put her to bed for a nap. I then helped Mummy cook. I love cooking but not as much as I think Mummy does. I made a salmon and pea tart for my friend Chris. I whisked the eggs, poured the cream, snipped the chives and ate the frozen peas. When Daddy got home he made a shower from our pear tree. He made it with a plastic tub with 2 holes, a meat-hook and some string. My Daddy is very very clever isn't he? But the best bit by far today was when Mummy let me play with her make-up. I'm very good at make-up. Mummy let me do her up after I'd done myself and we both had lips the colour of red currants. I think I made Mummy look beautiful but she said something about looking like a drag queen - what ever that is.